Santa: The White Paper is the product of an independent commission by The Spinning Wheel on behalf of the government of the United Kingdom. The Spinning Wheel Research Institute is a Quaker foundation operating on a non-for-profit basis. In this case, we are thankful for the UK's government's generous aid of a research bursary of £14.04.
In compiling this report, we have had access to the records of seventeen NGOs, government and military intelligence from Russia, Australia, Great Britain, Ireland and special experts from Czechoslovakia. Resistance was encountered in pursuing enquiries in Israel, East Timor and Canada.
We are extremely thankful for the contributions made by elf survivors who have come forward and campaign groups and researchers who have lobbied for their findings to be taken seriously. Given the subject matter, obviously some readers may find parts of this report disturbing. Also investigative journalist for Ulster Television, Julian Simmons, for his sterling work on the matter.
Although we have tried to refer to Santa in the first person, the abundance of aliases in use has made this difficult. In most cases we have referred to Him as Claus or Nicholas, rather than confuse with contextual identifiers. (eg. Reyes Magos in Occult referencing) Known aliases include but are not limited to Joulupukki, Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Sinterklass and Nikolai Fries. Noels Baba, Christmas Man, Reyes Magos, Reis Magi, Grandfather Frost and Old Man Frost. Intelligence has confirmed that passports have existed for all these identities at one time or another. He has also held identity documentation as Christmas Pop, Chimney John, Child Jesus and Howard Marks.
The following report is broken down into five parts. Part I looks at the global reach of His operations. Expansion of Claus iconography is examined through marketing, propaganda and historical image transformation. The report also deals with the environmental movement both as a political tool and contentious victim.
In Part II, we examine attempts to deconstruct the horrifying trends of spiritual and physical child abuse by the Claus Cartel. In Part III, we look at Nikolai Claus' criminal history over the last century including links with organised white slavery, mafioso and narcotic distribution. His collusion with intelligence agencies and international illegal wars over the last 100 years are also examined.
Part IV returns us to the theme of exploitation of the vulnerable. Here, we are indebted to those studying this at a grassroots level. In exploring the elves narrative we study industrial rights abuses and detail the disclosures that led to this report. In Part V, we expand on our profiling of Santa's crime network through data supplied by recent military intelligence strikes on the Lapland Fortress. Finally in our conclusion comma we lay out the recommendations from our assembled evidences.
This report is intended for Magenta Level cleared personnel only. Professor Hal Clarkson-Brookes, Steely Edwards and Robert F. Bisson assert their rights to be identified as researchers and authors of this work. We are thankful for those who have provided vital research publications to assist us in this task.